KIA ORA! I'm Tracey Rehe - A Certified Buddhist Counsellor and Psychotherapist, Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner, Mindfulness and Compassion Based Psychotherapist, Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra Guide, Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, and the owner of ARAHURA Counselling & Psychotherapy. I work with women who are struggling now and those that have experienced trauma in their childhood. My goal is to stop you feeling terrible and to start guiding you to where things feel manageable again.
MY JOURNEY TO BECOMING A COUNSELLOR AND PSYCHOTHERAPIST ARAHURA is a Maori word that means ‘pathway to discovery’ or ‘discovering the path’. I love the sound of the word ARAHURA and I chose it for my business name because it connected with my ancestral heritage and resonated personally. I’m no different from the clients I see. Like everyone else, I’m human. I’ve been been through both difficult and wonderful experiences that have shaped who I am and how I help. Growing up confused by my mixed cultural background (Maori & White Australian), experiencing personal trauma, and desperate to know the meaning and purpose of life compelled me to find my own path to self-acceptance and healing. At ARAHURA I will endeavour to help you discover your unique path to healing.
- Help people feel comfortable
- Accept people for who they are
- Understand, support, and encourage people
- Help people connect to their heart, body, and mind
- Help clients identify their strengths and trust in the wisdom they already have
I bring my genuine, caring, and down-to-earth personality to therapy and am comfortable with the difficult ‘shadow’ parts of life as well as the silly and humorous ones. I am a good listener who can be fully present for people’s stories no matter how difficult they are.
OUR SESSIONS ARE FOCUSSED ON YOUThe journey of healing is a courageous one. Deciding to share yourself, and your deepest most painful stories, with a stranger, makes you brave. Showing up feeling nervous, sad, scared, vulnerable, distressed, or angry takes guts. I will honour your bravery by providing a safe, calm, and authentic experience. When I work with you, I will not be trying to fix or change you, as I believe you are the expert on your own life. I will be helping you reconnect with your inner wisdom and to begin to accept yourself just as you are - warts and all. We will have honest conversations and I'll ask you lots of questions. Sometimes we'll laugh. Sometimes there will be tears. Sometimes we will be sitting quietly and exploring your inner world with curiosity and mindfulness of all of your sense experiences. Whatever we do in therapy, we will work collaboratively and you will be treated with dignity and respect no matter how you choose to define yourself.
GUIDING PHILOSOPHIESArahura Counselling & Psychotherapy is a safe and nurturing therapy space guided by the Buddhist Heart Qualities of Loving Kindness, Compassion, Equanimity, and Joy along with a good sprinkling of Maori humour and Maori Health and Wellbeing philosophy (Taha Hinengaro: Mental and Emotional Wellbeing, Taha Tinana: Physical Wellbeing, Taha Whanau: Social Wellbeing, Taha Wairua: Spiritual Wellbeing).
Being a Counsellor & Psychotherapist with a very small part in a person's healing journey is an honour. Observing people reconnect with their own wisdom and start to transform their lives is inspirational. The most rewarding thing about being a Counsellor & Psychotherapist is seeing a person walk away lighter and more hopeful and excited about their life. I am committed to working collaboratively with you to help you find self-acceptance and healing.
THE PROFESSIONAL STUFFI have been a Social Worker and Trauma Informed Therapist practising for 29 years in Australia and New Zealand. I have worked extensively as a Mental Health Professional in Public Mental Health Services helping people with severe mental illnesses such as Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Complex PTSD, Personality Disorder, and self-harming and suicidal behaviours. Other roles have included Social Worker, Therapist, Senior Practitioner, and Supervisor in Child Protection and Family Violence Services, Aged Care and Generalist Hospital and Community Services. In addition to my knowledge and experience in the evidence based Western medical approach to treating mental health disorders, I have a longstanding interest and personal practice in the Buddhist wisdom tradition which has been complemented by professional training in Eastern and Energy based wisdom healing approaches for the treatment of mental health disorders. These include Somatic Experiencing®, Mindfulness and Self-Soothing skills, Meditation, Yoga breathing and movement practices, and a keen interest in energetic approaches.
MY QUALIFICATIONS:- Bachelor of Social Work (UNSW)
- Graduate Diploma Buddhist Counselling & Psychotherapy (AABCAP)
- Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (
- Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy Graduate (Hakomi NZ)
- Self-Compassion in Psychotherapy Certificate (
- Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra 40 Hour Training (Jennifer Reis Yoga)
- Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Level One (Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute)
- I-Rest Yoga Nidra Meditation Level One (I-Rest Institute)
- Becoming Safely Embodied Practitioner (Deirdre Fay)
- Deb Dana Foundations of Polyvagal Theory (Polyvagal Institute)
- Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy (The Embody Lab)
CURRENT STUDIES:- Mindful Yoga Teacher Training (The Mindful Yoga School)
PROFESSIONAL REQUIREMENTSAs an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker I receive regular supervision, am a member of various Mental Health and Private Practice groups, I undertake professional development, and I abide by the AASW Code of Ethics.
As a Buddhist Counsellor & Psychotherapist I receive regular supervision, undertake professional development related to this specialty area, and abide by the AABCAP Code of Conduct.